CSS Templates

A computer style sheet language that is used to style documents written in HTML, XHTML, XUL, SVG and other mark up languages is the CSS Templates or Cascading Style Sheets. It is primarily a system for highlighting text, which is different from rules or patterns of normally used syntax. It is used in editorial instructions, typesetting instructions etc. It is the most used format in Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML), which is the type seen in formats for documents of the World Wide Web.

It can be widely argued that apart from the notion of URLs and free distribution of browsers, the use of HTML in descriptive mark up is one of the major contributors in the success of the Web. CSS Templates is also a major contributor in the development of XML- Extensible Markup Language, which is a widely used Meta mark up language. The singular purpose of XML was to simplify SGML. The application is exclusively for Web Documents. It is extensible because it allows the users to create tags and their description and usage.

The main purpose of CSS Templates is to highlight the content of a document so that it is distinctly different from the rest of the presentation. The distinctive elements of such presentation include layout, font and color. This helps in highlighting the intended characteristics and gives more flexibility and control in the presentation. It also facilitates multiple pages to share formatting and reduces repetition in the structural content. It is used in web designs and changes the appearance of hundreds of pages by altering just one file. Read more.

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