Listing many great sites that will make your web and graphic design experience ten times easier!
Being a web and graphic designer, I am always on the look out on how to make my job easier. Whether it is free resources, generators, etc. Over my time I have found a handful of decent sites. Many of these make working on your site faster and easier. These sites are defiantly bookmark worthy.
Fonts It pretty much says it in the name. 1001 Fonts, is a font site. Offering a wide variety of great fonts. You can submit your own fonts as well. Font Squirrel is my favorite out of the bunch. They offer very unique fonts, that can all be used commercially. All fonts are free, and all are amazing. They even have a blog that you can subscribe to. This is also my favorite site I have on my RSS feed, because the blog updates your with new fonts every day. Font Struct is unique in it's own way. Not only are they offer tons of free fonts, but they have a font creator built into their site. They call it "Fontstructor", and it's a easy to use font creator. A great boredom killer, and a great resource. How many times have you had a font idea stuck in your head and couldn't find one like it? Now you can make it.
Patterns This site is a generator for repeating patterns. They first offer you select images, and then you go from there. You can chose the texture, color, and size. Very simple, and very beneficial.
-Dotter: This site only generates polka dot patterns, but none the less it is very simple to use. Pattern Cooler offers tons of pre made patterns. You are able to chose the pattern you enjoy, and then change the colors. Very simple, very awesome, and very efficient. I highly suggest this to everyone. Color Lovers offers tons of patterns in great colors. You can make your own patterns, as well as color pallets. It's a two for one deal almost, and the blog is amazing!
There are many great sites out there; but these happen to be my favorites. Give them a try, and I'm sure you'll fall in love with at least 3. They will make your web and graphic design experience much easier. Read more.
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