Using mobile devices such as phones and PDA's to access the internet is becoming more and more popular as technology is constantly advancing. As internet usage on mobile devices increases we will have to pay more attention to websites that attract mobile web users. The design has to be focused on them as well as PC users.

There are several things to keep in mind while trying to create the perfect web design for the mobile web. The first thing to think about is loading speed. Most mobile web browsers run slowly, so if you have a lot of clutter on your page, then it will load extra slow. This will turn people away from your site as it takes forever for a single page to load. If you keep your graphics down to a minimum, then that will help in keeping the page speed faster as well. When building your web design it is not necessary to have a lot of graphics to get the point across. In this situation, the phrase 'less is more' definitely rings true. Most web browsers for mobile devices will resize an image in order for it to properly fit in the browser, so if you have images with writing on it, the writing may become so distorted it will be illegible.

In web development for the mobile web you also need to keep in mind what fonts to choose. Most mobile web browsers have a default font they use for all pages. Using strong and bold are recommended because they are well supported by most web browsers while em or i for italic are not very supported. Headers are generally all the same size, which I'm sure will change as the browsers become more functional.

Keep in mind that everything will be a lot smaller when you are deciding color choices. Light colors on medium or light colored backgrounds are usually very hard to read and tend to hurt the eyes. Stay away from using colors like yellow or orange as a font unless you have a black or dark gray background. If all else fails, stick with simplicity. Read more.

Website Design Sydney


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